Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri



Cardiac implantable electronic devices in different anatomical types of persistent left superior vena cava: a case of innovative solution of pacing.
A male patient(pt)76y old hypertensive,smoker underwent a right vocal cord biopsy.At the end of that procedure he presented lightheadedness and fatigue,with junctional escapement rhythm at the mean ventricular rate of 45 bpm and marked sinus bradycardia unresponsive to therapy.He was transferred to the cardiology intensive care unit(ICU).ECG:no atrial activity…
A case of dual-site left ventricular pacing performed via a persistent left superior vena cava in a patient with complete atrio-ventricular block and right superior vena cava occlusion.
Patient A 64 year old male admitted for syncope. EKG presented 3rd degree AV block. Attempting to place temporary pacemaker was unsuccessful due to occlusion of the right femoral vein and the presence of a catheter for hemodialysis in the left femoral vein. He also has complete thrombosis of…
A case of left accessory pathway ablation in a patient with persistent left superior vena cava and absence of right superior vena cava.
Introduction: A 31-year old man was admitted in our emergency department for palpitation. A 12-lead electrocardiogram (EKG) showed a well tolerated regular narrow-QRS tachycardia. A bolus of 6mg + 12 mg of adenosine was administered with only temporary resolution of arrhythmia; subsequently an electric cardioversion was performed with restoration…