Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri



A carotid glomus tumor treated with saphenous bypass: a 15-year follow-up

fazio giovanni palermo(PALERMO) – cdc triolo zancla


Carotid glomus is an exceptional extra-adrenal paraganglioma in childhood originating at the carotid body. Only 3% of paragangliomas occur in the head and the neck.

Surgical resection of complex glomus tumors can be complicated by extensive blood loss and might require surgical sacrifice of an encased internal carotid artery.

We report a 15 years follow up of a patient treated for a carotid glomus tumor

Case Report

A 81 years old patient was admitted in our surgery division for a inguinal hernia. Before the surgery treatment a cardiological consult was performed. The patients reported a clinical history of carotid glomus tumor (Figure 1) detected for a transient ischemic attack. 15 years before a venous by-pass was performed, and till now the patients was asymptomatic. We investigated the saphenous vein bypass that presented a normal flow and was in good conditions.

So the surgery for hernia was permitted.