Background: Injectable loop recorders (ILRs) are integral devices in managing cardiac disorders, with recent advancements in miniaturization enhancing installation and management processes. The Reveal LINQTM, introduced in 2014 by Medtronic, marked a breakthrough with significantly smaller dimensions than standard ILRs. The introduction of a tablet-based SmartSync Device manager programmer, coupled with the Linq Mobile Manager (LMM) application, further streamlined installation, ensuring direct data integration into the Medtronic CareLink Network. Nursing responsibilities involve triaging remotely transmitted data for clinical actions.
Materials and methods: Over three years, 97 Linq II loop recorder implants were performed, mainly for syncope or cryptogenic stroke, utilizing the SmartSync programmer and LMM application. Eighty-two patients were enrolled in the Medtronic CareLink Network. Episodes recorded by Linq II™, classified by device algorithms, were sent to the Carelink platform via a monitor or patient ‘s mobile app. Nurses review data to distinguish real episodes from false positives. The AccuRhythm™ AI platform, introduced in June 2022, applies AI to filter recorded episodes before reaching Carelink, reducing data and nursing staff time significantly.
Results: Results indicate a drastic reduction in false positives with AccuRhythm™, boasting high sensitivity (about 99.3%) and positive predictive value. In clinical practice, this led to a 100% reduction in pause alerts and a 21% reduction in atrial fibrillation alerts, saving 145 hours.
The conclusion underscores the AccuRhythm™ AI Platform ‘s cloud-based application of AI algorithms to LINQ II™ data, achieving time savings without compromising diagnostic yield. LINQ II ‘s sensitivity on Atrial Fibrillation and High Pause is maintained, allowing efficient diagnosis and reallocating saved time to other essential patient-focused activities.
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