Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri



Carotid plaques treated with Bembedoic acid: a 7% of reduction in 6 months

fazio giovanni fazio palermo(PALERMO) – cdc triolo zancla

Bempedoic acid were indicated to be able to reduce the hypercholesterolemia add on to statin and ezetimibe therapy. We investigated the effect of the same treatment in carotid atherosclerosis after a follow up of 6 months.


A continuous series of 22 patients were enrolled in a prospective analysis. All patients started a therapy with bempedoic acid for hypercholesterolemia add on to rosuvastatin or atorvastatin plus ezetimibe therapy for an insufficient reduction of cholesterol. The mean of LDL dosage was 101 mg/dl. All patients were high or very high-risk patient. In all patients the bempedoic acid was added to optimal medical therapy without new symptoms in ambulatory. The recruitment period was long 1 month. After the recruitment the patient was follow for other 6 month. At the start and at the end of the follow-up we evaluated. The atherosclerosis was evaluated in an ultrasound doppler of carotids The data was collect in excel and analysed by the Q-R-Calc program.


The mean age of patients was 68 age, 44% female. 33% was diabetic patients. Hypertension was present in 73%, hypercholesterolemia in 100%. 11% was smokers. 94% were Caucasian patients. The mean of Weight was 75 kg at the first control. The mean height 174 cm. All patients performed a cardiological control in which the medical doctor prescribed bempedoic acid. 100% of patients assumed a statin, 100% ezetimibe. After 6 month the mean LDL was 78 mg/dl.

The doppler showed plaques in 89% of patients. The mean plaques occluded the lumen for 37% before the bempedoic acid and 30% after with a reduction of 7% (p:0,03%)

In 50% of patients, we revel a reduction of atherosclerosis (in this subgroup the reduction was 11%)


The bempedoic acid add on to statin therapy reduced the carotid.

atherosclerosis for 7% in a continuous series of 23 patients.