Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri



An acute event as sign of a chronic process

Carluccio Raffaele Naples(Naples) – “Federico II” University of Naples | Ippolito Domenico Naples(Naples) – “Federico II” University of Naples | Rumolo Marco Naples(Naples) – “Federico II” University of Naples

A 66-years-old woman was admitted to the Emergency Department with dyspnea at rest. 11 days earlier she had undergone surgery because of femoral fracture. The Computed Tomographic Pulmonary Angiogram (CT Angiogram) confirmed the diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism (PE). Patient was transferred to Cardiac Intensive Care Unit were Echocardiogram showed signs of right ventricle overload and Echo-Vascular showed trombotic occlusion of the right popliteal vein. Infusional heparin sodium and NIV were started. After 6 days of treatment, patient was asymptomatic, heparin was switched to DOAC and she was transferred to Rehabilitative Cardiology for thrombofilia and oncological screening: oncological markers resulted negative but for the evaluation of hypercalcemia, high value of PTH and low value of Vitamin D, she was transferred to Endocrinology Department with suspicious of primary hyperparathyroidism, possible cause of bone fracture in a young woman.